Performance Double Glazing

Fitting Scotland Perfectly

Performance Double Glazing

Performance Double Glazing

Performance Double GlazingThe Advanced Group are now proud to offer performance double glazing. Our performance double glazing glass from Pilkington can make your existing windows up to 64% energy efficient simply by changing the glass frame.

Performance Double Glazing – The Process

All we do is take your current glass pane and replace it with our new heat retaining glass. One of the benefits of this is that there is no need to change the frame of the window. The process is fairly short and can sometimes be completed in a day. You can be assured when choosing Advanced that all of our installers are very experienced and professional.

The process will begin by us surveying your existing windows to ensure that they can be upgraded. Then we will remove your old glass replacing it with the new performance double glazing while always recycling the old glass.

Performance Double Glazing -How it works?

Performance double glazing is highly energy efficient window is achieved by using two different types of glass. On the outside of the window we use Pilkington Optiwhite, this is an extra clear glass that allows the outside energy of the sun to flow through it and into the next which will therefore increase the benefits of the sun as the energy source. The glass on the inside of the window is a low-emissivity glass, this means that it reflects all of the heat from the house back into the house therefore saving you money.

The Advantages of Performance Doubling Glazing

–        Firstly you will save yourself money as replacing your window frame will save you up to 50% more than what a full window replacement would.

–        The Pilkington Window system will just about eliminate condensation on the inside of your windows

–        Will give you a much brighter and warmer home while saving you money on energy bills

–        Heating bills will be significantly lower.

–        There will be no need to redecorate any of the rooms in your house as the windows remain the same. Our installers literally take out the old glass pane and replace it with the new one.

By investing in performance double glazing windows with the Advanced group you will improve the energy efficiency of your home as the windows help to keep the heat in your house as well as take advantage of solar gain from outside.

Click Here to view video on the benefits of this enhanced technology

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